Thursday, 26 February 2009

Baby Instinct

It's been a full and hectic past couple weeks and I'm happy to have the day to sit down and take care of my to-dos. It's been sick-days plus school holidays so as a nanny, I've been working over-time. It's incredible the changes these kids go through on a daily basis. Emotional levels always adjusting and bouncing of their sisters, for better or for worse. It'd funny how much I can relate to the little one's tantrums. That's why this week I used the above drawing for Instinct on Illustration Friday. It's all about emotional instincts, out-of-body temper tantrums and needs beyond reason. Of course then with serious patience and support, the back lash is sweetness itself!
I am starting work on cover illustrations for an upcoming EP by Hungry, Hungry Ghost (do have a look and listen!) I'm really excited about the project and mostly making myself sit down to work. This weekend should lend lots of time for that, with many laps at the pool and my sunday yoga class in between. So yes, health and progress all the way this weekend! I think that's my serious backlash for a weekend spent whiling aways the hours for a good friends birthday.
While this winter has certainly not been my darkest, it really churned up my heart to see early spring buds popping up everywhere. And while I still had on a coat, I only had a tee-shirt under that... I wait with baited breath for summer, I really do!

1 comment:

red-handed said...

This drawing is very sweet, E. That's it, I'm going to blog about it right now.