Yesterday I volunteered with a friend at the nursery school here. We dug out worms from the compost and rescued slugs for the children to play with. It was sweet them putting their tiny hands out to cradle these huge,green slugs! And of course, it was the perfect type of day to help in a garden.
This week's Illustration Friday is for the word Legendary. So above is my tall-tale poster, written and of course illustrated by yours truly. I hope you can read it okay (click the image to view large on page). It's a story of a little baby with mighty, strong feet who's temper tantrum creates a mountain range.
On the topic, my friend said something this week: He said, " I really think that legends came as answers to children's questions."
Let's hope these clear days last. x
And who wouldn't love a big-foot baby?
Fun story with great pictures. I hope all the slug-holding kiddies love it.
Looks like a good crop of sun bathers already sprouting in the meadows this year.
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